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Your use of the Mergence website and email services, including the receipt via email of fact sheets, periodic reports and/or price and performance information, is subject to your accepting and complying with our terms of use. By using our website or email services, you agree and accept all of our terms of use.

The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002

Mergence Investment Managers (Pty) Limited (‘Mergence’) is an authorised financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 and is a member of the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (‘ASISA’). Mergence is not authorised to and does not provide financial advice. All information contained on this website should not be construed, or relied upon, as advice. If you require financial and/or investment advice, please engage the services of an independent financial adviser.


The information and content (collectively ‘information’) accessible through this website is provided by Mergence as general information about Mergence and its products and services. Mergence does not guarantee the suitability or potential value of any information or particular investment source. Any information on this website is not intended to provide nor does it constitute financial, tax, legal, investment, or other advice. You are solely responsible for determining whether any investment, investment strategy, security or related transaction is appropriate for you based on your personal investment objectives, financial circumstances and risk tolerance. It is recommended that you consult an independent financial adviser regarding your specific situation if you require financial and/or investment advice. Nothing contained in any service provided or any content on this website constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer by Mergence, including in regard to buying, selling or holding any securities or investments, but shall merely be considered to be an invitation to do business.

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This website and its content are owned by Mergence and/or its licensors and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Any unauthorised copying, reproduction, retransmission, distribution, dissemination, sale, publication, broadcast or other circulation, or exploitation of this material will constitute an infringement of such protection. The copyright in all material vesting in Mergence published on this website shall continue to vest in Mergence. Without detracting from the above, Mergence authorises you to view, copy, download, print and distribute the content of this website, provided the content is used only for your information, non-commercial and private purposes. You are expressly prohibited from incorporating any proprietary material of Mergence and/or its licensors taken from this website in any other work, publication or website either of your own or belonging to any third party. The trademarks and logos displayed on this website are registered and/or in the process of being registered. Nothing contained on this website or in the content or information provided should be construed as granting any licence or right to use any of the marks without the prior written permission of the owner and no right, title or interest in any proprietary material contained on this website is granted to you.

Email legal notice

For our email legal notice, click here.

Privacy notice

For details about our privacy notice, click here.

Complaints procedure

For details about our complaints procedure, click here.

Conflict of interest management policy

For details about our conflict of interest management policy, click here.

Important information

The content on this website and the information contained therein is made available to you ‘as is’ and ‘as available’. Mergence has taken and will continue to take care that all information provided on this website is true and correct in so far as this is under Mergence’s control. However, Mergence does not warrant that this website, the content provided or information contained therein will be error-free or will meet any particular criteria of accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, performance or quality and disclaims any liability for, any loss, damage (whether direct or consequential) or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to the use of or reliance upon any information, links or service provided through this website. Although Mergence has taken reasonable measures to ensure the integrity of this website, including the content provided and the information contained therein, there is no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied made by Mergence, regarding the information or aspect of any service provided. Any warranty implied by law is hereby excluded except to the extent that such exclusion would be unlawful.

Mergence reserves the right to suspend, terminate or modify this website, email services or these terms of use at any time without notice. Any changes will be implemented and you can access at Legal Information. If you use this website after the changed terms of use have been posted, you will be deemed to have accepted the changed terms of use.

Promotion of Access to Information Act

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    • Access to information – Manual

Governing law

The content contained on this website will be interpreted and implemented in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

Email Legal Information

Your use of our email services, including the receipt via email of fact sheets, minimum disclosure documents, periodic reports and/or price and performance information, is subject to your acceptance of and compliance with our terms of use. By using our website or email services, you agree and accept all of our terms of use.

The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002

Mergence Investment Managers ( Pty) Limited (‘Mergence’) is an authorised financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 and is a member of the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (‘ASISA’). Mergence is not authorised to and does not provide financial advice. All information contained in this email communication, including attachments, should not be construed, or relied upon, as advice. If you require financial and/or investment advice, please engage the services of an independent financial adviser.

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Ownership and copyright

The contents of this email and any accompanying documents relating to Mergence and its subsidiaries and associated companies are owned by Mergence and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Any unauthorised copying, reproduction, retransmission, distribution, dissemination, sale, publication, broadcast or other circulation, or exploitation of this material will constitute an infringement of such protection. Without detracting from the above, Mergence hereby authorises you to view, download, print and distribute the content of this email and any accompanying documents, provided the content is used only for your information, non-commercial and private purposes.

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Important information

Mergence has taken and will continue to take care that all information provided in this email is true and correct, in so far as this is under Mergence’s control. However, Mergence does not warrant that this email, the content provided or information contained therein will be error-free or will meet any particular criteria of accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, performance or quality and disclaims any liability for, any loss, damage (whether direct or consequential) or expense of any nature whatsoever which may be suffered as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to the use of or reliance upon any information, links or service provided through this email. Furthermore Mergence shall not be liable if any variation is made to any document or correspondence emailed unless the variation has been approved by the sender. Mergence cannot and will not be held liable for any harm or loss resulting from viruses in this email or accompanying documents, including data corruption resulting therefrom. Mergence disclaims liability or legal responsibility for the non-delivery or incorrect delivery for whatever reason of the contents of this email, its effect on electronic devices or its transmission in an unencrypted medium.

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Mergence reserves the right to suspend, terminate or modify the email services or these terms of use at any time without notice. Any changes will appear in this document, which you can access at any time. If you use the email services after the changed terms of use have been posted, the changed terms of use will be considered as accepted by you.

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Users who make use of Mergence’s email system do so at their own risk and accept responsibility for any actions and consequences that arise from such use. In general terms, Mergence does not engage in blanket monitoring of communications. Mergence does however reserve the right at any time and without notice to intercept and monitor communications and stored files sent or received over or stored on Mergence’s information and communications systems, provided that such monitoring and interception is: performed by an Mergence representative properly authorised by Mergence; and for a lawful purpose.


Nothing contained in this email constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement or offer by Mergence, including in regard to buying, selling or holding any securities or investments, but shall merely be considered as an invitation to do business.

Governing law

This email and any accompanying documents will be interpreted and implemented according to the laws of the Republic of South Africa.

Company details

Registered name:
Mergence Investment Managers Proprietary Limited
(Registration no: 2004/021426/07)

2nd Floor, Block B, Cape Town Cruise Terminal
Duncan Road, V&A Waterfront
Cape Town, 8001

Executive Directors: FR de Beer, SM Dolamo
Non-Executive Directors: MI Magerman, SD Makhubela, TD Mahloele, VL Matshekga
Independent Non-Executive Directors: NW Fofang, MR Mouyeme

Company secretary:
Tikvah Secretarial Services Proprietary Limited

For further information please contact the Chief Financial Officer at

It is our longstanding belief that companies cannot achieve sustainable economic success while neglecting their social and environmental responsibilities. Responsible investing forms an intrinsic part of our investment processes and supports our mission in creating sustainable shared value through delivering positive risk-adjusted returns for our clients while making a significant positive impact on society and the environment.

Engagement with companies and voting at shareholder meetings are both powerful tools that we have considered to be an essential part of our active management offering since the very beginning of our responsible investing journey. We were one of the first South African asset managers to make public its proxy voting decisions. Click here to view our historic proxy voting records.

CLICK HERE to view our historic proxy voting records.

We have been early supporters of initiatives guiding responsible investing, including:

  • Signatory to the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2008
  • Supporter of the Code for Responsible Investing in South Africa (CRISA)
  • Signatory to the Climate Change 100+
  • Members of Carbon Disclosure project

Our investment processes deliberately include ESG considerations which are continually refined, updated and enhanced by the investment teams.

Our Public Markets team have an explicit ESG pillar and minimum ESG deliverables as part of their equity research process and portfolio construction. Similarly, the Private Markets team have an ESG management system which details how they incorporate ESG issues into the investment decision-making process with a view to mitigating overall portfolio risk, promoting sustainability, and generating positive impact. The system also spells out our ESG requirements of investee companies.

At Mergence, we believe in the power of People, Planet and Prosperity, acknowledging that making profits can only be justified if people and the planet are respected and preserved in the process. Our ethos of creating sustainable shared value is at the heart of our business. Making a positive impact on society, embracing diversity and inclusion, nurturing relationships, and encouraging an entrepreneurial spirit underpin our commitment to being a responsible employer.

As evaluated by an independent agency we currently hold a Level 1 BBBEE rating.

We offer a range of local and offshore investment strategies that meet the needs of retirement funds and individuals in Southern and Sub-Saharan Africa. We are dedicated to managing and growing our clients’ investments in a socially sustainable manner. Our clients are mainly institutional investors with a growing offering of retail investors.

ExploreDateFund Fact SheetTransactional Form
Capped SWIX FundJanuary 2025
Equity Prime Fund (Unit Trust)December 2024
Global Quant Equity FundDecember 2024
SWIX FundJanuary 2025
ExploreDateFund Fact SheetTransactional Form
CPI + 4% Prime Fund (Unit Trust)December 2024
Global Balanced FundDecember 2024
ExploreDateFund Fact SheetTransactional Form
Infra & Dev | Bond CompositeDecember 2024
Money Market Prime Fund (Unit Trust)December 2024
ExploreDateFund Fact SheetTransactional Form
Infra & Dev | Bond CompositeDecember 2024

Mergence was a pioneer in impact and infrastructure investing, with a rich history showcasing the advantages of uncorrelated alternative investments. We strongly advocate for the potential of these investments to deliver consistent long-term returns while making a positive social impact. Our diverse portfolio encompasses a wide range of debt and equity asset classes carefully chosen from sectors that global and national organisations have identified as high-priority areas.

ExploreDateFund Fact Sheet
Infra & Dev | Bond CompositeDecember 2024
Infra & Dev | Debt FundDecember 2024
Infra & Dev | Equity FundsDecember 2024
ExploreDateFund Fact Sheet
Renewable Energy Debt FundDecember 2024
ExploreDateFund Fact Sheet
Infra & Dev | Bond CompositeDecember 2024

Mergence is an independent asset management firm with a strong 18-year track record. We were founded in 2004 and have successfully grown our offering to a diverse product range across both public and private market investments, spanning specialist equity and fixed income, multi-asset, infrastructure, debt and private equity funds.

We are focused on sub-Saharan markets and led by a pragmatic, sustainable, shared value creation mindset. Responsible investing and ESG principles are part of our ethos and embedded across our investment processes.

Mergence is majority black-owned and managed and embraces the multi-cultural and multi-racial diversity of Southern Africa. We employ 58 people across our operations in Cape Town, Johannesburg, Windhoek, and Maseru.

At Mergence we value our people. Our culture is characterised by a collective focus on excellence and development, keeping our staff motivated and committed to growing with Mergence and growing our clients’ savings.

Our senior investment team have worked together for nearly a decade. With over 300 years of combined experience our entire team, including analysts and fund managers, have distinct specialisation in both Public and Private Markets. We leverage data and key elements from each area to widen our perspective and innovate to obtain outperformance.

Sholto Dolamo

Managing Director, Mergence Investment Managers

BSc (Chemistry)

BTech (Ceramic Science) 

MSc (Engineering)

MBA (Administration)

Sholto joined Mergence in July 2022. He has more than 19 years’ experience in financial services with a focus on strategic leadership, product innovation, and research across all asset classes in Public and Private markets. He held various senior roles at the Public Investment Corporation including Acting Chief Investment Officer. Before entering the financial services sector, Sholto pursued a specialised career in resources and precious metals.

Fabian de Beer

Chief Risk Officer

BCom (Accounting & Economics)


Fabian joined Mergence in 2006 with over 38 years’ experience in financial services, specialising in  investment and macro strategy. Fabian’s primary focus is on investment risk, compliance and regulatory matters across Public and Private markets. He serves on the Mergence Board as well as the in-country Boards where Mergence operates. He has held senior and executive management positions at major SA banks and retirement funds.

Masimo Magerman

Non-Executive Chairman, Mergence Group

Bachelor of Management Science (Finance)

MBA (Finance)

Masimo co-founded Mergence Africa Holdings in 2004 with the vision to create a world-class diversified group. With R42 billion in assets under management, the group spans asset management, derivatives trading, property, and industrial holdings. The primary subsidiary is Mergence Investment Managers, with a dual capability across Public and Private investment markets. Masimo is an entrepreneur by nature and believes fervently in “creating shared value”.

Tsepho Mahloele

Non-Executive Director

B Proc

Advanced Management Programme (Harvard)

Tshepo Mahloele is the founder and chairman of the leading pan-African investment company, Harith General Partners. An investment professional with extensive background in asset management, Tshepo has worked for various investment houses based in South Africa and the United Kingdom. Under his leadership, Harith has made game-changing investments in infrastructure development on the African continent over the past 17 years, including launching the continent’s first 15-year tenure fund. Tshepo is the Africa Patron of the international climate and social justice advocacy organisation Global Citizen and serves on various boards in the fields of technology, financial services, and media. He is also the chairman of his philanthropic organisation, Tshedo Impact.

Sipho Makhubela

Non-Executive Director



Advanced Management Programme (Harvard)

Sipho Makhubela is a seasoned investment professional with proven industry leadership and over 20 years of experience in financial services. Prior to joining Harith, he worked for Investec Bank, Coronation Capital and African Merchant Bank in South Africa, focusing on aircraft financing, plant and equipment financing, and various acquisition finance transactions. Sipho joined Harith in 2007 as an Investment Director and was soon promoted to head up the US$630 million Pan African Investment Development Fund 1. He later transitioned into the role of MD: Investments and was appointed CEO of Harith in September 2020. He has invested in and grown business across the continent in countries such as Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Cote d’Ivore, amongst others and across various sectors including ICT, Transport and Energy. He currently sits on the board of directors at Mergence Investment Managers.

Lizeka Matshekga

Non-Executive Director

B Com Hons (Finance)

Masters (Development Finance)

Lizeka Matshekga is currently the MD: Investments at Harith General Partners, a Pan African Infrastructure Financier and Developer. She joined Harith in 2020 having formerly been the Divisional Executive at the Industrial Development (IDC). She has over 27 years’ diverse financial services industry experience
of which 14 years spent in the development finance environment. Her experience covers asset management, treasury, investment banking and development finance at executive leadership level. She is a seasoned board member in several South African and Multinational companies including Mergence Investment Managers.

Maserame Mouyeme

Independent Non-executive Director



Maserame Mouyeme has over 25 years’ experience Africa-wide in senior executive leadership roles, including at Coca Cola, Old Mutual and one of Africa’s largest advertising groups. Further, at the Board level, she has 20 years’ experience in the private, public and NGO sectors. Maserame is passionate about sustainability, branding, public affairs, change management, public policy and businesswomen development. She has qualifications from the University of Cape Town, University of West London, Harvard and Cambridge.

Nyonga Fofang

Independent Non-Executive Director

BA (Political Science)

Executive MBA

Nyonga Fofang, Independent Non-Executive Director at Mergence, has 25+ years of capital markets experience, specialising in private equity, M&A, leveraged finance, and general management. He co-founded and leads Bambili Group Investment Pty Ltd, a pan-African investment holding company. Nyonga also serves as a director at SourceTrace LLC in Boston. He began as a closed-end fund Equity Analyst at PaineWebber Inc. and holds degrees from Harvard University and UC Louvain.

Sholto Dolamo

Managing Director, Mergence Investment Managers

BSc (Chemistry)

BTech (Ceramic Science) 

MSc (Engineering)

MBA (Administration)

Sholto joined Mergence in July 2022. He has more than 19 years’ experience in financial services with a focus on strategic leadership, product innovation, and research across all asset classes in Public and Private markets. He held various senior roles at the Public Investment Corporation including Acting Chief Investment Officer. Before entering the financial services sector, Sholto pursued a specialised career in resources and precious metals.

Semoli Mokhanoi

Director: SADC, Head: Business Development & Marketing

BCom (Accounting)

BCom Hons (Financial Planning)

MBA (Strategy)


General Tax Professional (GTP-SA)

Semoli joined Mergence in 2017 as Regional Investments Strategist. He has 20 years’ experience, including as a fund accountant, investment consultant and business development executive. With a strong network of contacts throughout the Southern African Development Community (SADC), he is also a non-executive director on several company boards.

Brad Preston

Chief Investment Officer

BSc (Mathematics & Statistics)

MSc (Financial Mathematics)

Brad joined Mergence soon after its inception in 2006. As an investment analyst, portfolio manager and former Joint MD at Mergence, he has experience in derivatives, absolute return, and specialist equities, as well as leadership. In 2021 he was appointed as Chief Investment Officer.

Karen Wagner

HR Executive

Diploma (HR Management & Training)

Karen joined Mergence in February 2014 as Office Manager. In December 2017, she was promoted to HR Manager. Karen has 27 years of experience in office management and finance, having worked at several large corporates before joining Mergence. In acknowledgement of the importance of our people, Karen was appointed to the executive committee of Mergence Investment Managers in October 2022.

John Afordofe

Chief Financial Officer

BCom (Accounting)

PGDip (Accounting)


John joined Mergence in November 2018 as General Manager: Operations. He was promoted to Chief Operating Officer in 2019. In September 2021 his role at Mergence was specialised into Chief Financial Officer as part of high-level changes to the Mergence executive leadership team to meet the company’s strong growth.

Peter Takaendesa

Head: Equities

BCom Hons (Economics)

MCom (Economics)

MCom (Finance & Econometrics)

Peter joined Mergence in 2014 as a Senior Equity Investment Analyst specialising in the TMT sector. He became a portfolio manager in 2016 and head of the listed equities team in 2019. Peter has over 15 years’ experience in the financial services industry, having worked for several global investment banks. He won ABSIP equity analyst of the year in 2011 and has worked as a university lecturer in economics.

Izak Van Niekerk

Portfolio Manager

BAcc Hons


Izak brings over 15 years of financial services experience to his role as Portfolio Manager at Mergence. He co-managed portfolios from November 2019 to December 2022, having joined the team in 2011 as an equity research analyst and dealer. His current focus encompasses resources, beverages, luxury goods, and healthcare. His background extends to being an investment committee member in private markets and an audit manager at PwC prior to joining Mergence.

Salome Maruma

Co-Portfolio Manager

BCom Hons (Financial Management)

Salome initially joined Mergence in 2015 as part of its graduate programme before gaining experience at local asset managers and a global investment bank. She returned in 2023 as a Senior Investment Analyst, bringing eight years of solid expertise in the financial services industry with a focus on the retail and industrial sectors. In 2025, she was promoted to Co-Portfolio Manager of our equity strategies.

Malose Mamashela

Investment Analyst

BCom (Financial Analysis & Portfolio Management)

MSc (Chemical Engineering)

Malose joined Mergence in 2022 as an Investment Analyst. With 20 years of experience, she has a solid background in chemical engineering and financial analysis. Malose previously worked as a process engineer at Sasol, Project Services Group, and Chevron. She also served as a sell-side equity research analyst at Primaresearch. Additionally, she has lectured in her field at the CPUT and provided consultation to 4th-year Design Course students at UCT.

Radebe Sipamla

Co-Portfolio Manager

BCom (Economics Science & Business Finance)

Radebe joined Mergence in March 2021 as an Investment Analyst in the Public Markets equity team based in Johannesburg and was promoted to Co-Portfolio Manager in 2025. He covers banks, insurance, and other financials, bringing five years of in-depth sector knowledge across SADC, particularly in banking, precious metals and telecoms. In 2017, he won the ABSIP award for Research Analyst of the Year.

Keagan Martin

Investment Analyst

BCom Hons (Finance/Investments), BCom (Economics and Finance) 

Keagan Martin joined Mergence in 2021 as a Client Relationship Manager, following his experience at Prudential Investment Managers. In 2023, he transitioned into an Investment Analyst role in the public markets’ investment team, where he now specialises in small to mid-cap industrials and food producers. 

Mohamed Ismail

Head: Fixed Income

BSc (Actuarial Science & Mathematical Statistics)

BSc Hons (Advanced Mathematics of Finance)

Exec Masters (Finance)

CFA® Charterholder

Mohamed joined Mergence in March 2021 as Head of Fixed Income: Multi-Asset Class. He has 14 years of experience. Mohamed is responsible for a stand-alone fixed-income product and integrating a fixed-income investment process into the overall multi-asset strategy. He is the primary portfolio manager for the Mergence Composite Bond Fund and lead investment manager for the Money Market and Multi-Asset Income portfolios.

Fazila Manjoo

Portfolio Manager

BSc (Actuarial Science)

PGDip (Management in Actuarial Science)

Fazila joined Mergence in September 2020 as a Portfolio Manager in the Multi-Asset team. She has over 19 years of experience in the financial services industry, and a passion for research, technology, and sustainability. At Mergence, she is responsible for developing quantitative and systematic strategies across global equity, balanced and absolute return funds.

Unathi Hewana

Investment Analyst

BCom Hons (Financial Analysis & Portfolio Management)

BSc Hons (Biotechnology)

Unathi joined the Mergence Public Markets Investment team in July 2020 as an Investment Analyst in the Multi-Asset team. She has ten years of asset management experience and is completing her BCom Master’s degree in Applied Finance at UCT. Her primary focus at Mergence is a top-down and bottom-up analysis of the South African property sector.

Thabiso Mgwambane

Investment Graduate

BSc Hons (Physics)

Thabiso Mgwambane joined the Mergence Public Markets Investment team in July 2023 as an Investment graduate. With a BSc Honors degree in Physics and currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Astrophysical Sciences, he brings advanced computational and mathematical programming skills, as well as proficiency in analytical and quantitative methodologies.

Morgan Mlambo

Head: Investment Risk & Analytics

BSc (Mathematics & Statistics)

BSc Hons (Mathematics of Finance)

Financial Risk Manager (FRM)


Morgan joined Mergence in 2018. He has over 15 years of experience in the financial services industry. At Mergence, he has oversight on the generation and monitoring of investment risk metrics for Mergence portfolios including performance metrics, market risk, etc. In addition, he also has oversight on the compliance function pertaining to the Public Markets portfolios.

Jeandre van Jaarsveldt

Investment Analyst: Investment Risk & Analytics

BCom (Economics, Risk, and Investment Management)

Jeandre joined Mergence in 2023 as an Investment Risk & Analytics analyst, bringing three years of industry experience. Notably, he honed his analytical skills and became the youngest team leader at Burgiss during his tenure as a Private Equity Data Analyst. His strength lies in working with databases and excelling at identifying errors and outliers through data manipulation.

Kasief Isaacs

Head: Private Markets

BCom Hons


Kasief joined Mergence in 2015. He has 17 years of experience in the financial services industry. As Senior Investment Principal he has a specific focus on energy, infrastructure, and impact within SA and SADC. He leads the Private Markets investment team which has built up a stellar performance record over the past decade. Kasief has prior extensive international and local experience in SA’s renewable energy market. He is an experienced conference speaker and media commentator.

Chito Siame

Investment Principal

BSc Hons

MCom (Financial Management)


Chito joined Mergence in 2011 as Equity Analyst in the Public Markets team focused on FMCG, hospitality, financial services, and telecommunications before transitioning to the Private Markets investment team in 2015. As Investment Principal, Chito focuses on Private Market investment opportunities within SADC. He has led transactions in the aquaculture and microfinancing sectors and serves on the boards of several investee companies.

Mosa Molebatsi

Senior Investment Associate

BCom (Actuarial Science, Quantitative Finance)

BCom Hons (Finance)

MPhil (Development Finance)

CFA® Charterholder

Mosa joined Mergence in 2023 as a Senior Investment Associate in the Private Markets team. Previously, she worked at the International Finance Corporation, the Public Investment Corporation, and Momentum Metropolitan Holdings in various investment roles. She is also involved in lecturing and foundation trustee work.

Tshepiso Appie

Investment Associate

BBusSci Hons

Tshepiso is an Investment Associate at Mergence Investment Managers. He joined the Johannesburg team in 2018 after a 3-year tenure in the middle-markets private equity team of a listed, blue-chip asset manager. With a diverse range of expertise, Tshepiso has successfully facilitated deals across multiple sectors at Mergence, including affordable housing, medicinal cannabis, primary healthcare, agri-finance, specialised healthcare, waste management, secondary mining, student accommodation, financial inclusion, and fintech.

Rizaan Samuels

Investment Associate

BSc (Finance & Accounts)

PGDip (Accounting)


Rizaan joined Mergence in 2022 as an Investment Associate. He is a trained investment professional with extensive post-qualification experience in investment banking, asset management, and renewable energy debt investment. He is responsible for the origination and execution of deals in the SADC region for Mergence’s Equity and Debt funds, with a focus on infrastructure finance, renewable energy, and other clean energy investment opportunities.

Hileni Nghinaunye

Portfolio Manager


PGDip (Investment & Portfolio Management)

Hileni joined Mergence Unlisted Investment Managers (Namibia) as a Portfolio Manager in 2017. She has 15 years of experience in financial services. At Mergence she has transacted on and overseen infrastructure and impact investments on behalf of Namibia’s largest retirement fund, including three renewable energy projects, and a bulk infrastructure/land servicing project.

Linkeng Debra Letsaba

Trainee Investment Analyst

BCom (Investment Management & Banking)

BCom Hons (Financial Economics & Investment Management)

Linkeng joined Mergence Investment Managers (Lesotho) in 2022 as a Trainee Investment Analyst as part of our bigger Private Markets investment team. Her role encompasses assisting with the origination of opportunities and guiding them through the investment process, to implementation. Linkeng has team leadership skills, having been an SRC exco member at university.

Ntsbeng Chabeli

Property Analyst

BA (Economics)

PGDip (Property Management & Development)

MCom (Finance & Investments)

Ntsebeng joined Mergence Investment Managers (Lesotho) as a Property Analyst in 2022. She has five years of experience, including time spent as a real estate specialist and data analyst. Her responsibilities at Mergence include analysing the economic drivers of the commercial property portfolio and assessing the financial opportunity for existing and potential property investments.

Nandipha Kenqa

Risk Manager

BCom (Financial Accounting)

PGDip (Accounting)


Nandipha joined Mergence as a Risk Manager in the Private Markets investment team in June 2017. She has six years of experience working as an external and internal investment auditor. Nandipha’s responsibilities at Mergence include ensuring that governance, risk, and control frameworks are effective and that all investment activities, across all markets, sectors, and deals, are in accordance with applicable legislation, regulation, and client mandates.


Sholto Dolamo

Managing Director, Mergence Investment Managers

Fabian de Beer

Chief Risk Officer

Masimo Magerman

Non-Executive Chairman, Mergence Group

Tsepho Mahloele

Non-Executive Director

Sipho Makhubela

Non-Executive Director

Lizeka Matshekga

Non-Executive Director

Maserame Mouyeme

Independent Non-executive Director

Nyonga Fofang

Independent Non-Executive Director

Sholto Dolamo

Managing Director, Mergence Investment Managers

Semoli Mokhanoi

Director: SADC, Head: Business Development & Marketing

Brad Preston

Chief Investment Officer

Karen Wagner

HR Executive

John Afordofe

Chief Financial Officer

Peter Takaendesa

Head: Equities

Izak Van Niekerk

Portfolio Manager

Salome Maruma

Co-Portfolio Manager

Malose Mamashela

Investment Analyst

Radebe Sipamla

Co-Portfolio Manager

Keagan Martin

Investment Analyst

Mohamed Ismail

Head: Fixed Income

Fazila Manjoo

Portfolio Manager

Unathi Hewana

Investment Analyst

Thabiso Mgwambane

Investment Graduate

Morgan Mlambo

Head: Investment Risk & Analytics

Jeandre van Jaarsveldt

Investment Analyst: Investment Risk & Analytics

Kasief Isaacs

Head: Private Markets

Chito Siame

Investment Principal

Mosa Molebatsi

Senior Investment Associate

Tshepiso Appie

Investment Associate

Rizaan Samuels

Investment Associate

Hileni Nghinaunye

Portfolio Manager

Linkeng Debra Letsaba

Trainee Investment Analyst

Ntsbeng Chabeli

Property Analyst

Nandipha Kenqa

Risk Manager